April 22, 2020 rizwanbuttar

Super Immunity By Joel Fuhrmann, D The Essential Nutrition Guide for Boosting Your Body’s Defenses to Live Longer, Stronger and Disease Free

super immunity


Super Immunity (2011) reveals the secret to a better, stronger immune system and healthier body: superfoods. These lines shed light on the shortcomings of modern medicine and teach you how to take advantage of the healing powers of plant foods rich in nutrients and phytochemicals


Joel Fuhrmann, MD, is a family physician who focuses on using nutritional and natural methods to prevent and reverse diseases. He created the Health Starts Here initiative for whole foods and is the research director of the Nutritional Research Project of the National Health Association.

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How superfoods can boost your health

There are so many diet books out there telling you what to eat and what to avoid. Some say that carbs are the devil while protein is all important. Others say that you should cut your protein intake, and that the key to healthy living is carbs.

So, what should you believe?

This book shows you that instead of fussing about with carbs and fats you should look for foods rich in essential nutrients, or “superfoods.” A diet based on these few simple ingredients will leave you healthier, fitter and stronger.

· Why your flu jab may leave you ill

· What vitamin supplements you should not be taking; and

· Why superfoods can help prevent cancer.


1) How superfoods can boost your health

2) Healthy eating that heals your body is an ancient idea, but more relevant than ever today

3) Modern medicine treats the symptoms rather than addressing the causes of illnesses

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4) Superfoods may not only prevent cancer – they can also make you more resistant to the flu

5) Antibiotics and cold medicine are quick fixes that can do more harm than good

6) Lots of nutrients and wisely chosen fats, carbs and proteins comprise a healthy diet

7) Vitamin supplements are good in theory, but only if you choose the right ones

8) Limit your salt intake and consume more omega-3 fatty acids to keep your body balanced

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Book summary

Boost your health and immune system not with quick-fix medicine, but with foods rich in nutrients and phytochemicals. Since ancient times, food has proven itself to be a great healer. Add superfoods to your diet and enjoy their flu-fighting and cancer-crushing benefits.

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