March 16, 2020 rizwanbuttar

A Planet of Viruses Why one of the best science thinkers alive says viruses are essential for life By Carl Zimmer


A Planet of Viruses (2011) takes you on a whirlwind tour into the hidden world of viruses. You’ll discover how our understanding of these tiny, abundant organisms has evolved over time and how our lives are influenced by them, from their power to kill their protective properties.


Carl Zimmer is a columnist for the New York Times and a lecturer at Yale University, where he teaches how to write about science and the environment. He writes for National Geographic and is the author of thirteen books, including Parasite Rex and Microcosm.

Take a peek into the astonishing world of viruses

Every year an influenza epidemic sweeps across the world, leaving hundreds of millions sniffling and coughing in its wake.

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Although it kills several people every year, there are far worse and far deadlier viruses around. The last Ebola outbreak killed thousands, and it could have been a whole lot worse.

In our globalized world, viruses can spread farther and faster than ever before.

 But are viruses all bad? If they can do so much harm to us, maybe they can also keep other dangers in check?

1)  Why the Romans rubbed their faces with mice?

2) How viruses save lives?

3) Why Ebola is so hard to eradicate?

Interview with science writer Carl Zimmer


Peek into the astonishing world of viruses

The common cold has been a nuisance for thousands of years

Influenza can be deadly and will continue to surprise us

Some viruses are crucial to our survival

Knowledge of the history of viruses with them

Virus epidemics are dangerously unpredictable

The Virus as a Planetary Force


Viruses have been a part of human life since ancient times. Although they can cause suffering, they also keep our environment safe. Through historical and scientific research, we know much more about viruses today than ever before. Still, we can’t predict when outbreaks will occur, and we can’t prevent their power from being used for evil in biological warfare. Continued investigation into the frightening and fascinating world of viruses will ensure we’re prepared for the future.

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Antibiotics will not cure a common cold.

Why do people believe you can take antibiotics to treat a cold? The common cold is caused by a virus, not by bacteria, and antibiotics are only effective in combating bacteria. But sometimes antibiotics can cause bacteria to evolve into more resistant mutations. That means they won’t only get rid of your cold: they’ll put your body in danger by creating untreatable strains of bacteria. So next time your nose starts running, stick to bed rest, lots of fluids and vitamin C!


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