The Art of War

October 13, 2019
Posted in Art, Press Kit
October 13, 2019 rizwanbuttar

The Art of War Classic military strategy for politics, business, and everyday life


Thousands of years old, The Art of War is a Chinese military treatise that is considered the definitive work of military tactics and strategy. It has greatly influenced military tactics as well as business and legal strategy in both the East and West. Leaders such as General Douglas MacArthur and Mao Zedong have drawn inspiration from it.


Sun Tzu was a military general, strategist and philosopher during the Zhou Dynasty of ancient China in ca. 500 BC.

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The general who draws meticulous plans before the battle will defeat the general who makes none. Therefore, you must always plan and deliberate before the battle. By comparing the opposing armies on seven considerations, you can forecast victory or defeat:

  1. Which of the two rulers of the states at war commands complete accord and obedience from his people so that they will follow him even to their deaths?
  2. Which of the two generals is more capable?
  3. Which side has advantages of heaven and earth, the meaning of circumstances like the weather, distances to be covered and the nature of the terrain?
  4. Which side enforces the discipline of its men more strongly?
  5. Which side has the stronger army?
  6. Which side has the better-trained officers and men?
  7. Which side has more consistency in giving rewards and punishments to enforce discipline?

Carefully compare the army of your enemy to your own army so that you will know where he is strong and where he is weak. Then plan according to the circumstances. If you know your enemy and know yourself, you will always be victorious.

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  1.  Planning, calculating and comparing armies leads to victory
  2.  Secure yourself against defeat, and wait for an opportunity for victory
  3.  Warfare is only successful if sovereigns and generals do not cause their own defeat
  4.  Conserve your resources through stratagems, foraging and espionage
  5.  Deceive your enemy and impose your will on him
  6.  Observe the terrain and your enemy, then adapt accordingly
  7.  To wage war successfully, manage your troops sternly, keep them in uncertainty and make them fight to the death
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Warfare is a matter of life and death for the state, and so meticulous planning and estimating must go into the conduct of war. A skilled general chooses to fight only when he knows victory is secure; thus, he is never defeated. He is observant, resourceful and adaptable. He imposes his will on the enemy, deceiving and irritating him to drive him to make a fatal error.
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How can you secure against defeat and ensure victory?

1) Planning, calculating and comparing armies leads to victory.

2) Secure yourself against defeat, and wait for an opportunity for victory.

3) Warfare is only successful if sovereigns and generals do not cause their own defeat.

How can you achieve advantages over your enemy?

  • Conserve your resources through stratagems, foraging and espionage.
  • Deceive your enemy and impose your will on him.
  • Observe the terrain and your enemy, then adapt accordingly.

How must you manage your troops?

  • To wage war successfully, manage your troops sternly, keep them in uncertainty and make them fight to the death.

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