October 28, 2019 rizwanbuttar

12 Rules For Life An Antidote to Chaos By Jordan B. Peterson


12 Rules For Life (2018) provides readers with an inventory of life’s most pressing concerns and the issues that have been present in the human psyche since ancient times. Author Jordan B. Peterson has collected some of the most enduring philosophical and religious assertions, as well as the lessons from our most cherished tales, to provide us with 12 guidelines to ensure a life of meaning. Drawing on philosophy, psychology, history and myth, these are clear and consistent principles that everyone can live by.


Jordan Peterson is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, as well as a clinical psychologist and cultural critic. He has garnered widespread publicity and media coverage for his often controversial YouTube videos and public appearances, in which he critiques political correctness.

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Get some solid, practical advice to help guide you down the bumpy road of life

Classic stories like Pinocchio, as well as many other popular myths, fairy tales and religious parables, all portray the task of finding meaning in life as a balancing act between order and chaos, the familiar and the exotic, or security and adventure.

People continue passing on and rereading historical texts, along with the works of philosophers such as Socrates and Aristotle, because we yearn for universal values and rules to give our lives meaning. And these are the themes that author Jordan B. Peterson has taken into consideration when making a new list of 12 such values to help modern people through today’s chaotic times.

In this book, you’ll discover

  • what lobsters can teach us about confidence;
  • what a lotus flower can show us about pursuing meaning in life; and
  • what young skateboarders can tell us about human nature.
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Get some solid, practical advice to help guide you down the bumpy road of life, 12 Rules for Life !

Rule # 1

Hold your head high and strike the posture of a winner

Rule # 2

Care for yourself with the same tenderness you would a loved one

Rule # 3

Make sure you surround yourself with supportive friends, as these are the kinds of friendships that can bring about positive change

Rule # 4

Progress is made by comparing yourself to your past achievements, not to others

Rule # 5

Parents need to be more than a friend – they need to raise a responsible and likable human being

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Rule # 6

You should take responsibility for your own life before you judge the world

Rule # 7

Seek meaningful goals over instant gratification

Rule # 8

Stop lying and be truthful

Rule # 9

Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t

Rule # 10

Be precise in your speech

Rule # 11

Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding

Rule # 12

Make the best out of even the smallest joys that life offers

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Navigating through life is a constant struggle filled with trials and tribulations, and if there’s any guarantee in life, it’s that there will likely be more troubles around the corner. But there is also beauty and joy to be found, however fleeting these moments may be. All you can do is try your best, be honest and truthful, and avoid being selfish and prideful. It’s also important to take responsibility for your own lot in life, and not blame the world or others for your shortcomings. Ultimately, it is only you who can improve your life.


Ask yourself, “How was I wrong?”

You may not like the answer, but this is a way to keep improving and stay truthful. By asking yourself this question on a regular basis, you’ll be able to enjoy the satisfaction of making progress every day as you keep striving to be a better human being.

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